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5 Things You Need to Consider When Buying a Home!

Buying a Home

You decided to buy a home, but now you have to check the details. Have you looked everything over?

Forget about the typical items like location, neighborhood, and general condition of your home that the inspector covered. But how about the seemingly minor items, that if you know before you move could save you time and money.

Water Pressure, have you turned on all the faucets and shower to check the pressure? Older homes may have weak pressure which could mean future problems, that could result in more money down the road.

Ceilings may show signs of cracks or stains which could mean water damage and repairs. The sellers should disclose any water damage but may not be aware of hidden issues.

Vents, make sure you check the air flow both heat and AC. Weak air flow may be as simple as dirty filters but more costly HVAC issues down the road.

Lighting and Outlets, take note of where each outlet and light fixture is, so when it comes to furniture placement you are ahead of the game and have convenient access to lighting.

Mold, check behind and under sinks to make sure there are no obvious signs of mold. If so, bring in a mold remediation expert who can check the levels and do a thorough cleanup.

Buying a home is fun and exciting but also a lot of work and time goes into it. Be sure to always use a professional real estate advisor who can help you with these details before they become headaches. Your real estate advisor can connect you to professional vendors and also take the time to go through the house with you.

If you are thinking about buying or selling a home, be sure to reach out to the J Brigham Team; knowledgeable real estate experts who offer award-winning service to clients at every level, from first-time buyers and upsizing sellers to individual investors, throughout Manhattan's prime neighborhoods. They put your needs and goals as the #1 priority!

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Jaylon's long real estate career and analytical approach are the perfect complement to Colleen's exceptional sales and marketing background. Together, the J Brigham Team strives to deliver an utterly stress-free, successful experience and optimal outcomes with the foresight and intuition necessary to prevent problems before they arise.